The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Ah, Europe is the model

Trump joins a wide variety of mainstream pols in Europe in proposing to close radical mosques.

The only shocking thing is that the American left and the American media continue to treat this as a shocking idea.

Ditto restricting Muslim immigration or even Muslim sojourns (student visas, say).

At any rate, it looks like all or most of the GOP candidates are opposed to accepting Syrian refugees, or anyway non-Christian Syrian refugees, though O continues to insist we are morally obliged to accept them and others among the current wave of Muslim illegals flooding Europe, though most of them, as even the sympathetic left admits, are not war refugees at all but merely people "fleeing poverty" and "seeking a better life."

Indeed, O has denounced "a religious test" for admission to the US as wicked, un-American, and (as he says about so many things) "not who we are."

At a guess, one of the things people like about Trump is that he is totally unintimidated by PC attacks on him and his ideas as racist.

Those punches just seem to miss him altogether.

He doesn't even have to shrug them off.

BTW, First Amendment worries?

Please, absolutely nobody wants to comply with the First Amendment's flat prohibition on federal interference with freedom of speech.

Courts just tell different lies to license or deny license to different kinds of restrictions, reflective of nothing but their own will.

And a propos of lying about the constitution, expect liberal liars to claim the constitution forbids restrictions on admission to the US based on religion.

As to that, the liars will throw in race restrictions, while they are at it, just to get it on record.

Libertarians and other open borders types might second these lies.

Here are interesting comments by Ayaan Hirsi Ali in WSJ about a long-term, extensive propaganda war against Jihader Islam.

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