The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Figaro editorial

Alexis Brézet, editor of Figaro, calls for tougher domestic security, silencing of radical clergy and radical mosques, imprisonment or deportation of people returning to France from service with ISIS or other Jihaders elsewhere, and so on.

He calls, too, for prioritizing the struggle against ISIS in Syria over ideological objections to Assad and squabbling with Putin.
[Update 111615.
Looks like some on the left are seeing glimmers of light on this matter, though they still clearly think the US and the West are obliged to eventually get rid of Assad because his is a nasty regime. 
They mostly denounced that as a silly reason for taking down Saddam Hussein, back in the day when GW and his gang were in charge, and of course they still do, retrospectively. 
And he urges more control over immigration.

Sarkozy, who wants Hollande's job, urges the need to cooperate with the Russians.

He also called for changes to Europe's immigration policies, though I have not seen more specific reports.

He sounds a little like Marine Le Pen.

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