The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mau-mauing the flak catchers

Black slavery in the Americas lasted a bit less than 400 years.

Slavery everywhere in the world featuring mostly non-black slaves is as old as humanity.

Slavery ties with prostitution as the world's oldest profession.

And then a certain idealism swept the Occident and white people ended it wherever they could - with some notorious backsliding.

Think Leopold, Belgium, Congo.

But none of that interests the Guardian's hero.

Or rather only a tiny bit of it does.

Why is that, do you suppose?

On the other hand, the Nazi genocide of the Jews was really historically exceptional, I think.

Spectacularly so.

But black slavery in the Americas?

Not at all.

And all those war movies and films about the Holocaust were made by the generation that fought and endured them, and their children, for their own consumption.

Very naturally, those things were and still are very large in their minds.

The biggest things that ever happened to them.

They were not made, those movies, 150 years later to feed hate and resentment among blacks and culturally and politically intimidate, humiliate, and weaken whites.

It's a cultural hegemony thing.

Part of the left's continuing campaign of soft genocide against whites that includes mass immigration, politically fostered and protected differential birth rates, and exogamy.

Alan Dershowitz publicly worried the last two of these factors will make American Jews disappear.

And did you notice how the left reacted to that?

The left worldwide and The Guardian in particular are really pushing this movie and its maker.

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