The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Pat is so bitter he has almost changed sides

Pat Buchanan: The paralysis of Europe

Wearing his tunnel-vision glasses, today, Pat sees it as Jihad vs The West, a West he is giving up as a lost cause because the liberals have won so many victories in their wars against Christian clericalism.

But it is really and has been all along Jihad vs. The Rest (including the West).

As Samuel Huntington pointed out decades ago, Islam has bloody borders, and those borders run all the way around.

Islam bumps up against Hindus in India, atheists and Buddhists as well as others in China, Buddhists in Southeast Asia, Christians in the Philippines, Orthodox and atheists from Central Asia to the Balkans, Jews in Israel, Christians of various types as well as animists in Africa, and Christians and others in Europe.

In many of these places, decades of Muslim violence have provoked the rise of organized counter-violence and political parties whose trademark is hostility toward Islam.

But Pat is so bummed by the collapse of the Christian West that dominated the world in his youth that seemingly only Europe's relatively small part in this global story is visible to him.

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