The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The value of free speech

It's interesting that, though it may not be Chait's view and it may not be Sullivan's that the value of free speech stands of falls with this claim, they both insist on making it and they both insist that it's a defining belief of liberals or liberalism that free speech can advance justice as liberals understand it, specifically in connection to issues of race and sex and identity, and has done so in living memory.

But I think he hit gold when he explained that defense and honoring of the rights of one's political opponents is the very thing to which the PC movement is per se opposed and at the same time a key, defining value of liberalism.

For liberals, free speech is not only, necessarily, or essentially a means toward reaching a better world; it is integral to the very nature of what that better world would be.

The Left’s Intensifying War On Liberalism

(More an infection or a takeover, but never mind).

And an essential point is that such enemies of the PC movement as Chait and Sullivan are not attacking the freedom of speech of the PC police, hypocritically demanding they STFU.

The objection they make to PC is that it aims at winning through political thuggery and subversion of the liberty of thought and speech essential to a regime of liberty, to political democracy.

The enemies of PC are attacking that and defending freedom.

The tu quoque defense of PC is a blatant and shameless fraud; that is the hypocrisy.

Btw, the idea that America or any country in the Occident or the zone of Christian predominance is a patriarchy, homophobic or not, is nonsense.

What you have here is a predominance of men in positions of power, but those positions and their holding them have nothing to do with being Patriachs, which none of them are.

None is even so much as a Roman paterfamilias, no man in Christendom having had such literal life and death power over his family in centuries.

None of them is even a good bourgeois paterfamilias, as would have been possible only a little more than half a century ago.

But actual patriarchy, the real thing, can be found in some parts of the world, even today.

The most notable among them are in the Muslim lands most committed to the harsh desert ways and mores of the medieval origin of that religion.

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