The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Speaking of dumb

Well, stupid, then, of course.

Matt Taibbi doesn't know what "choleric" means.

'American Sniper' Is Almost Too Dumb to Criticize

As for me, I haven't seen the movie and likely won't until it's on cable. And cheap.

Why the left can’t tolerate this movie.

Actually, if MT is any indication, it's mostly because the movie celebrates this sniper's service in Iraq.

And as it does so it totally overlooks the facts that the Iraq invasion was based on false pretenses, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-Qaeda, and that Iraq as previously predicted by Bush I pretty much collapsed into sectarian anarchy costing hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars when its government was destroyed by Bush II.

Come to that, the anarchy all over the Maghreb, the Levant, and Central Asia are all in varying measures consequences of American policy blunders in which people like Navy Seal Chris Kyle did their jobs very well.

The movie blinks all the rest to focus on that last, you see.

We could and should have responded to 9/11 by invading nobody and changing zero regimes.

Punitive missile attacks on al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan would have been perfectly adequate, with or without simultaneous or subsequent  military or other operations against al-Qaeda and its affiliates or like-minded Jihaders or terrorists elsewhere.

We blew up way too much to no good purpose, resulting in much expense, slaughter, and devastation but nothing particularly helpful.

Unless you consider first inspiring hundreds of thousands of people to take up the cause of Jihad and then slaughtering them helpful.

Not sure, myself.

But maybe.

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