The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Cultural appropriation

CBS' Nancy Drew Will Be Diverse

That means she will not be white.

Nor will she be an enterprising teenager.

She will be a non-white city cop, thus rejecting traditional sex roles and whiteness at the same time, transforming a traditional icon of both into quite something else.

This is part of the PC project to abolish traditional sex roles - pretty far advanced already - so that in reality as well as on tee shirts "girls rule" and turn whiteness into a badge of shame and inferiority.

Some whites are not shutting up about it.

They will pay the usual price.

Gays can be proud of and demand ego-validation for the most gut-wrenching obscenity.

Primitive natives or their descendants around the world can be proud of and demand ego-validation for the most benightedly savage traditional cultures.

Euro-whites must regard with shame, not pride, the vast, powerful, and rich Occidental civilization constructed by their ancestors and still maintained by them, along with its continuing, crucial, and beneficent global rayonnement.

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