The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Perceptive, at times


What irks me about Dems who whine that the leftie-progressive wing are “purists” is that it’s the centrist-DLC-Third Way crowd, which has dominated the party agenda for many years, that set rigidly narrow limits on which policy ideas were considered legitimate and which were out of bounds and could not be taken seriously. 

Why aren’t they the “purists”?

They call themselves “pragmatic,” but what they really are is blind. 

They are the ones who rendered the Democratic Party irrelevant to much of the working class. 

They are the ones who pissed away Rust Belt votes. 

They are the ones who made room for the right-wing populism that made Donald Trump president.

There's a lot to that, and I know Bill Clinton's declaration that "the Era of Big Government is over" sounded to me like an utter betrayal of everything the Democrats stood for.

But it's got more to do with the race-propaganda and the actual racial agendas of the two parties for, oh, the last half century or so.

My parents lived through the depression and my father fought in WW2, and they both idolized FDR.

But they flipped to the white man's party during the 1960's, and it was about race and Vietnam, but mostly it was about race.

After voting for Wallace.

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