The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Fearing Il Duce will lose, fair and square, the original Buchananite joins the howling mob of political sans culottes

Pat Buchanan writes that, Yes, the System Is Rigged

Does he mean Hillary will not actually beat Trump fair and square in the popular vote?

The vote in the Electoral College?

Well, no.

But if she wins fair and square that just proves the system is rigged.

Because, says Pat Buchanan, lying through his laptop in the teeth of the actual facts and vote counts, a majority of Americans rejected everything Hillary stands for in the primaries.

But even if it were true it would not mean a majority of voters at any time preferred Trump to her or his Buchananism to what she would give us.

And on which Earth does it make sense to complain a candidate who loses fair and square in November, both in the popular vote and in the Electoral College, nevertheless somehow is the rightful democratic winner?

That there is something wrong, undemocratic, and rigged about a system that awards the prize to the competitor with the most votes?

How addled does your brain have to be to even come close to talking such deplorable, reprehensible nonsense?

And, anyway, about those primaries, a heck of a lot of those anti-establishment voters supported Bernie, and about 90% of them now support Hillary over The Duce and his Loser's America First-ism.

And polling shows Hillary has, and has had pretty much all along, a fairly steady lead in the popular vote overall and in the Electoral College over The Donald.

Pat Buchanan knows all this, as does Il Duce.

But they and their white-trash rebels want what they want, and they want it really, really bad.

And that means democracy, legitimacy, and justice demand that they get what they want, doesn't it?

Well, doesn't it?


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