The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Truth is the first casualty, not only of war but of politics in general

You and I and Pamela Gellar and anyone who has read the Koran or at least the history of Islam from its earliest days may know the truth.

But governments fighting the green plague of Islamism - as Bill Maher would put it, Islam taken too seriously - are considerably less interested in truth than in preventing the 1.6 billion Muslims of the world from seeing this struggle as a war of religion pitting everybody else, but especially the Christian Occident, against Islam and so, of course, all of them against the world.

Nor would such governments want to even hint that the least religious legitimacy might attach to the Islamist claims of a religious duty for Muslims to fight a war, a Jihad, against insufficiently Islamic Muslim governments and their allies, against Jews, against infidels, perhaps against the West, and even perhaps against the whole world to bring everyone into submission to Islam and to Allah.

And so neither BO today nor GW before him sees or saw fit to admit for a second that Islamism is just Islam, taken too seriously for anybody else's good.

They and every politician speaking for states confronting Muslim violence must and generally can be counted on to firmly endorse and not deviate from the line that Islamism, and especially violent Islamism, is a heresy, an abomination, a travesty of true religion and of Islam, and the enemy of all of us, including the world's Muslims.

Anyone who complains that BO does not and GW did not say the enemy is Islam is a fool or a politically motivated faker.

Any one who thinks BO and GW did not realize the enemy is Islam is the same.

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