The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

And if there had been no violence at Charlottesville?

There would have been no occasion to protest that both sides do it, no opportunity for that misleading equivalence.

The White House might have been asked for comment on the movement to take down Confederate monuments.

The White House and those who support it and The Duce, himself oppose that movement.

And for comment on the fact that the organizers or the Charlottesville march, "Unite the Right," to protest the removal of such statues and the renaming of a park previously named for a Confederate leader, were all of them white supremacists and nationalists of the most extreme ideology, anti-Semites of the deepest dye, like the neo-Nazis, the Aryans, and the Klan, and that nobody else seemed to be there but them and counter-protesters.

Nobody was there but the Klan and the Nazis.

What does that say about the cause?

The White House might have been asked why the flag of and monuments to the Confederate States of America, defeated traitors and enemies who tried to wreck the Union in order to perpetuate black slavery forever, are revered anywhere in the USA, today, and how anyone who reveres and defends them can claim to be a patriotic American.

And how anyone who marches under, or with people who march under, Nazi flags can make such a claim.

The answers would not have been any better than the ones we actually got to the questions actually asked, probably.

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