The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, August 18, 2017

What about those Confederate monuments? Dreher vs Buchanan. Standard conservatism vs Buchananite White Nationalism

Of course, Buchanan's line is Bannon's and Breitbart's and Coulter's and Trump's.

Pat Buchanan: America’s Second Civil War

In Durham, North Carolina, our Taliban smashed the statue of a Confederate soldier. 

Near the entrance of Duke University Chapel, a statue of Lee has been defaced, the nose broken off.

Wednesday at dawn, Baltimore carried out a cultural cleansing by taking down statues of Lee and Maryland Chief Justice Roger Taney who wrote the Dred Scott decision and opposed Lincoln’s suspension of the right of habeas corpus.

Like ISIS, which smashed the storied ruins of Palmyra, and the al-Qaida rebels who ravaged the fabled Saharan city of Timbuktu, the new barbarism has come to America.

Rod Dreher: Buchanan’s Shameful Defense Of White Supremacy

I was stunned just now to read the disgusting, racist, indefensible thing that Pat Buchanan has written in his syndicated column in response to the Confederate statue controversy.

. . . .

Buchanan is not meditating on the tragic nature of history, as any conservative worth the name must do. 

No, in this column, Buchanan is defending white supremacy, straight up.

It is abhorrent, and must be rejected in the strongest terms by conservatives. 

If this is where the Right is going, it can go right off that racist cliff without me.

It grieves me to see a conservative writer and thinker I have long admired, even if I did not always agree with him, descend to the gutter like this. 

But it has happened, and it is shameful. 

It is intolerable. 

He has crossed a bright red line. 

No, no, no! 

Conservatives, this is not us. 

It cannot be us. 

We cannot put up with this.

Buchanan, of course, and those in bed with him from Breitbart to The Daily Stormer, are taking the same line in this fight over the Confederacy as some of the people who used to chant, "Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Western Civ has got to go!"

The line that the core of America, American history, and Western Civilization, what made it all and made it all great from start to finish and from inside to out, has been white racism.

At last, the Children of Zinn, The Nation of Islam, and The Aryan Nation agree!

As for Dreher, well, he is lying about Christianity as Christian conservatives, and especially Evangelicals, commonly do, attributing to it the ideas of its pagan and Enlightenment enemies.

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