The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

This shows how much Republicans care about what socialism actually is, and what "socialism" actually means

Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks reads from Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' while bashing Democrats, media

About as little as Bernie Sanders and the Democrats on MSNBC who, just for him during the primaries of 2016, helpfully and mendaciously defined the word as "public ownership of any means of production".

Well, any organization devoted to the production of any good or service.

Like schools, fire departments, or the Tennessee Valley Authority.

As for the GOP, part of their warfare against the Dems for 2020 is, thanks to Bernie's personal and apparently entirely sincere and almost lifelong embrace of socialism and Bernie and AOC's embrace of "socialism", to paste that label to the Democratic Party and especially the Bernie/AOC agenda on the one side and onto various political boogey-men on the other.

You know.

Stalin, sure.

But the massively incompetent and idiotic Maduro in Venezuela.

And now that famous national socialist, Adolf Hitler.

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