11 dimensional dominoes, my foot.
Karoli quotes insiders letting the cat out of the bag at C&L.
Untangling the Chained CPI Hairball
Obama sees “entitlements” – and it's revealing that inside the
White House that’s what they call these earned and paid for working-class benefits – as getting
in the way of his projects for infrastructure spending, education, and so on.
And the fight over all this deficit stuff needs to be swept out of the way so he can get his deals on guns and immigration, and maybe something about gays and women, too.
Obama has told people in his orbit that he feels “squeezed” by the rise
of entitlement spending and sees it as a threat to getting anything else done,
especially his plans for increased education and infrastructure spending.
Feed Granny or send Junior to law school, what do you think
this Harvard climber puts first?
And, heck, what about the really important stuff like gun control, citizenship for 11 million illegals who will vote Democrat for decades, gay marriage, and the glass ceiling obstructing the ambitions of privileged white girls who went to Harvard law, just like he did?
More at Salon.
No surprise BooMan and the squishy liberals of his generation and class are fine with this stuff.
He has often made it clear how much he despises the white working class and I have no doubt he thinks the Democrats can do fine against the Republicans yelling about race, religion, and sex even as they betray all working Americans of all races and religions, regardless of sex.
It will be easy, he thinks, to win so long as they keep the crucial support of billionaires who worry a hell of a lot more about female circumcision in Africa than they do about somebody else's granny eating cat food out of a can in the rattier parts of Pottersville.
And many of those same billionaires - and squishy, upper class liberals like BooMan - are pretty sure Americans are overpaid and have it way too soft, anyway, globally speaking, and certainly don't somehow magically deserve to be better off than Indonesians, Malays, or Chinese of the same class.
And we know how important moral desert is to those billionaires and the BooMan liberals, and indeed most liberals raised and living in privilege who certainly don't expect to be eating cat food, themselves, at any time in their lives.
And many of those same billionaires - and squishy, upper class liberals like BooMan - are pretty sure Americans are overpaid and have it way too soft, anyway, globally speaking, and certainly don't somehow magically deserve to be better off than Indonesians, Malays, or Chinese of the same class.
And we know how important moral desert is to those billionaires and the BooMan liberals, and indeed most liberals raised and living in privilege who certainly don't expect to be eating cat food, themselves, at any time in their lives.
That's the same BooMan who has twice supported the demand of George Will and others of the further right that the 17th Amendment be repealed and popular election of senators be abandoned, returning the power to choose them to state legislatures where plutocrats can exercise better control.
And he might be right about the future of the Democrats as a party for globo-meddling sociolibs who want to increase the Navy's budget for helping South Asians deal with coastal flooding by trimming those pesky entitlements that just so get in the way.
11 million new Hispanic votes might be just enough to make up for the hemorrhage of white working class votes this kind of stunt will cost the Democratic Party.
It just might.
But if not then we can thank Obama not only for doing Paul Ryan's work for him maybe as much as a decade early but for putting Ryan, Rand Paul, or someone just like them in the White House in 2016.
I haven't looked, but I'll just bet the PUMA's are screaming their heads off, all over the web.
But if not then we can thank Obama not only for doing Paul Ryan's work for him maybe as much as a decade early but for putting Ryan, Rand Paul, or someone just like them in the White House in 2016.
I haven't looked, but I'll just bet the PUMA's are screaming their heads off, all over the web.
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