The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The propaganda of denigration

Everyone has his own agenda and so his own reasons for denigration of terrorists.

GW and Obama both referred to terrorists of obvious bravery as cowards.

Pretty much everyone mocked the Unabomber for fear of imitators.

Liberals mock Muslim terrorists, ridiculing them as incompetent boobs of only the shallowest religion, to minimize the danger, distance them from Islam, and lay the groundwork for opposition to counter-measures.

Meanwhile, they do all they can to pump up fear of home-grown, right-wing, domestic, and Christian terrorism.

The endless errors of leading Democrats and liberals, pronouncing every new attack the deed of some right-wing crackpot, only to watch as America is not surprised to discover it was a Muslim who dunnit, are not errors but propaganda, deliberate efforts to skew public judgment as to who or what is a threat.

Axelrod and others said they thought the bombing in Boston the work of a right-winger, a Tax Day protest.


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