The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The view from where?

Justice Ginsburg is right about Roe

The view from PUMA-land.

Somewhere out beyond any known galaxy, anyway, on a planet of Amazons obsessed with their own anatomy, Obama’s attack on the Great Society and the New Deal has not even been noted, it seems.

The botched syntax is her own.

My theory is that Roe dealt a huge blow to the movement for women’s equality because once it was decided, many women had the mistaken idea that the battle was won. 

Instead, Roe became the political football for BOTH political parties.  

It’s the primary criteria for which party voters decide they belong. 

It’s the fear tactic that Democrats use to corral women to vote against their economic interests as much as it is the tactic that Republicans use to rally their constituents to feel power and control over other people’s lives.

. . . . .

Because abortion has been such a cultural hot potato, we tend to see women as a collection of body parts, primarily reproductive body parts. 

We are uteruses and vaginas and breasts and all of our discussion is about who gets to control those body parts. 

I am not a man or a male hiring manager but I have to wonder what crosses men’s minds when they see a female colleague. 

Do they consider her intelligence, determination, ingenuity and hard work or do they secretly thank god that they weren’t born with ovaries that are subject to religious and governmental regulation? 

I am a man.

The answers are Yes and No, respectively.

But she’ll never get it because of the way she sees men, women, and the world.

And she is really out there.

By the way, the Times editorial on Ginsberg’s comment that she links to is fascinating.

I disliked Roe then and I dislike it now for the same reason, late term abortion is just infanticide by another name and I dread and oppose the legalization of infanticide for any but the most compelling grounds for euthanasia.

And I have never sided with the feminist demand that the choice, if there is one, be entirely that of the pregnant woman with the advice of her chosen physician, the latter being the only man, if such happens to be the case, with any say in the matter, at all.

The Times editorial board has quite a different view.

Oh, and I really dislike the ERA.

Talk about an invitation for endless further intrusions of judicial dictatorship.

And that’s the point, of course.

Meanwhile, Digby has apparently noticed the existence of numerous soi-disant liberals like the BooMan willing to stop worrying about cat food, given how close they are to an enormous boost in the Democrats' Hispanic vote.

David Atkins was furious, the other day.

Digby also had this up to show the spending priorities of O’s big money contributors.

You know.

They guys who own the Democratic Party and set the priorities.

Very revealing.

These folks are not the biggest fans of FDR or LBJ, are they?

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