The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A stupid policy

Michigan Police Will Arrest Anti-lockdown Protesters Who Brandish Guns

Police warn that while open carry of firearms at the capitol during a political demonstration is lawful they will suppress and arrest people for brandishing.

They still decline to construe open carry during a heated demonstration on capitol grounds as per se brandishing within the meaning of the law and so a criminal act.

That still sends dangerous mixed signals to demonstrators and puts police in a dangerous position, not allowed to keep weapons out of the demonstration and the capitol in the first place but required to go among angry, screaming loonies armed to the teeth and, in the midst of chaos, arrest them and take them away.

This sets up the police, the demonstrators, and state officials going about their business for violence and disaster.

They should interpret open carry during any sort of demonstration at the capitol as per se brandishing and hence unlawful.

They should so advise demonstrators and those planning demonstrations.

They should stop armed demonstrators outside the capitol and require them to disarm if they want to continue to the capitol, and to turn aside otherwise.

Have your confrontations with these militia terrorists outside the capitol and before the most heated moments inside the capitol.

Move the danger outside the capitol and minimize it by keeping the time and place of challenging armed would-be demonstrators to disarm or disperse off camera, so far as possible.

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