The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Violence and destruction all over the US

No more peaceful protests.

Arson, murder, and destruction in many cities by crowds and individuals not much worried about the virus.

80% of the rioters allegedly are not even from the cities they are attacking, per MSNBC: Minneapolis, St Paul, NYC, Detroit, and others.

[Just saw a clip of the governor making that claim to the cameras in MN on MSNBC. A former official of the NAACP expressed incredulity in the firmest terms.]

[A video is being shown of a cop marching up to a girl demonstrator who was just standing in the street and hit her brutally on the head with a nightstick. A police supervisor in a white shirt was on the spot, did not intervene, and did not appear to react or disapprove.]

Politicians and law enforcement are clear they don't regard any of this as legitimate or excused or justified by the Floyd case.

De Blasio in NYC, for example.

The governor of MN has ordered full mobilization of the NGs, and claims the violence is being organized on the dark web and, if I understood correctly, that there is incitement on the web by foreign actors.

Trump, no doubt rattled by protests and disorder last night around the White House, has ordered the US military to organize army MPs to seize control of Minneapolis.

He was not asked for assistance by any official in MN.

Apparently there is some reason to expect mobs of his supporters to come to DC to counter-demonstrate against the DC demonstrators protesting the murder of Floyd and police misconduct in general.

So says MSNBC.

Trump is known to support police brutality and criminal police conduct toward civilians.

Right now we are watching live video of demonstrators in Wilmington DE repeatedly attacking police cars and doing their best to provoke police violence, especially one particular young woman who repeatedly approached and hammered and threw unknown fluids on one car, and I am amazed she did not succeed in provoking the police inside.

Police and others talking about what we are seeing are using the words "provocateurs" and "anarchists".

Trump is on the TV now calling the Democratic mayor of Minneapolis a radical leftist and denouncing as "stupid" the police withdrawal from that precinct house that got torched the other night in that city.

And he is urging the Democratic governor of MN and mayor that he is ready to send in federal troops to enforce order whenever they ask.

Trump is labeling the rioters "leftists" and "radical leftists". He and the GOP will make this a campaign issue and event. If they have any sense they'll let Democratic governors and mayors handle the mess and later heap blame upon them.

The MN governor just now made a good and angry speech about those doing so much destruction.

The Lt Gov, Peggy Flanagan, apparently one of those mostly white people who claim to be Indians because, well, mestizos in the US are almost all that's left of the Indians, is speaking against the destruction.

She looks about as Indian as Elizabeth Warren, whose claim to be an Indian appears rather in a different light, bearing this in mind.

Amy Klobuchar in on the stage now doing the same.

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