The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Given the history of our Ubu Roi, how do you feel about this?

Given the history of Trump's products and projects, his bankruptcies, his university, his steaks, his booze, and his habit of refusing payment to hapless contractors.

Recall his so far unended string of obtuse predictions regarding the course of the virus and the value of the various quack remedies he has endorsed.

Recall his continuing refusal to provide testing necessities disguised as delays that have gone on since January.

Recall what Dr. Bright revealed, his positively dumbfounding interference in medical efforts to find effective treatments that diverted millions of dollars and much time and effort to a quack remedy, later proven both useless and harmful, that he insisted doctors employ in treating patients.

And now consider his abysmal stupidity (Clorox! Lysol! UV light!) and lunatic assumption he is qualified to control this huge research undertaking involving thousands of professionals whose scientific judgement he will ignore and whose science-based recommendations he will thrust aside.

Operation Warp Speed

I say this represents the ever-deepening corruption and sabotage, whether intended or not, of a huge portion of the American scientific effort to deal with the virus.

And it scares the shit out of me.

[Jarry's most illuminating line: "Pataphysics is to metaphysics as metaphysics is to physics."]

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