The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Neocons never did get geography and hope you don’t, either.

Bill Kristol begins this editorial,

“There are some facts so obvious that only a liberal could deny them.

“One of them is that, from Benghazi to Be’er Sheva, the West is under attack.”

Actually, the whole space between Benghazi and Be’er Sheva is in the Mahgreb, which is not and has never been part of the West.

And the mythical common struggle of the West, meaning mostly the US, and Israel against “terrorism,” meaning all the Muslim enemies of Israel or friends of its enemies, is nothing but a put up job to get America, with no stake in the matter at all, to fight to the death to make the world of Islam safe for Israel, though it never has been that and most likely never will be.

Neoconservatism is an endless barrage of colossal bullshit aimed at absolutely nothing but keeping the US fighting wars wherever neocons perceive enemies of the Jewish State in order to preserve and safeguard that tiny Middle Eastern anomaly for no earthly reason, at all.

And that at enormous cost in blood and treasure to the US when the conservative movement as a whole and the Republican Party they control claim America cannot afford to educate its own children, feed its own poor, provide medical care for its own sick, or guarantee a decent retirement to its elderly.

We can’t afford to do so much that absolutely needs doing here at home.

But we can squander trillions, literally trillions, on useless wars for Israel.

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