The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not one word about a moratorium on legal immigration

Watch the Republicans de-fuse the issue, important to Latino voters, of the status of illegals now here by completely abandoning the position of their populist wing, surrendering to the Democrats, and accepting a path not merely to legal status but to actual citizenship for non-criminal illegals.

So to speak.

Watch the Republicans and the Democrats continue to do absolutely nothing about the issue, important to the entire American working class, of the continuing flood of immigrants competing for a shriveled and stagnant supply of jobs and thus contributing powerfully to wage stagnation, the shocking enrichment of the American rich, and the skyrocketing growth of inequality in the USA.

Allowing continued legal immigration and subverting the efficacy of restrictions by so amply rewarding millions of people who have personally ignored them utterly is a fairly transparent and total betrayal of the American worker.

Well, as we all know, both parties belong to the plutocracy, after all.

But the Democrats defend the interests of everybody else so far as necessary to differentiate themselves and get lower-order votes while the Republican riposte for more than thirty years has been composed of clericalism and the culture war.

And both parties exploit race and racism for electoral advantage with unknown success though with known and entirely evil effects on the health and well-being of the republic and the American people.

Democracy in America is a wonderful thing.

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