The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The most unforgivable crap you’ll ever hear comes out of the mouths of politicians in favor of their asinine and criminal wars

Vice President Henry Wallace, May 8, 1942.

Moonshine, fantasies, and the most absurd lies from a beloved ancestor of the “reality based community,” heavily larded with shameless sucker-bait for liberals.

None so easily deceived as those who desperately want to believe.

Not one of these alleged war aims was even remotely within the realm of possibility.

Might as well prate about a war to end all wars and making the world safe for democracy.

The “century of the common man”?

My, oh my.

Oh, and not one moment of sane appreciation of the realities of Soviet Communism and Stalin’s regime ever passed through this fellow’s mind.

Well, not during this speech and not at any time in the campaign of 1948.

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