The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Squash America to make Africa thrive

And how does a president have anything remotely like the authority to do either without congress acting?

Or has congress already simply transferred its power of legislation and decision in this area to him, much as it transferred its authority to decide on war to GW, back in the day.

A move Obama deplored and Hillary applauded, even during the primaries of 2008.

Nobody in government and nobody on the professional left is stupid enough to think cuts in American emissions will stop global warming while emissions burgeon elsewhere in the world.

All we are doing is, in a small way, limiting the adverse impact of all that carbon dioxide others are releasing into the atmosphere.

The effect the left really wants is this.

By starving the American economy of coal and helping others gorge on it, we are further crippling our economy and impoverishing our country, creating additional advantages for products manufactured elsewhere over those made here, sold in an American market opened wide by a succession of Democrats like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Free trade Democrats can insist that policy is about “a level playing field” for competition among the world’s producers and, yes, workers.

But this sort of energy policy intentionally and deliberately advantages foreign producers and economies in global competition with our own.

And that means it advantages their workers over ours.

Arguments this is “fair” are like arguments that fast, trained runners should be hamstrung to give fatties who can barely walk a “fair” chance in a marathon.

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