The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Susan Jacoby, feminazi

She is a brilliant writer and an excellent historian.

Her best book was Freethinkers.

And her heart is in the right place on class issues.

But she is as unprincipled and dishonest about the constitution as any liberal.

And she is an ardent warrior in the feminist war on men, declaiming against compulsory motherhood imposed by men in the days of compulsory parenthood imposed by religion and conservative,  clericalist politicians.

Which would include today, come to that,  if they could manage it.

Still,  she is honest as the day is long about the contempt of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others of her ilk for black,  Chinese,  and immigrant men who had the vote when she didn't.

And her malice.

The PUMA phenomenon showed not everyone has got past that.

Reading her biography of Robert Ingersoll,  The Great Agnostic.

Women got the vote during the Progressive Era because the drys knew they would vote overwhelmingly for Prohibition. 

Much as 11 million illegal aliens may be amnestied and given a short road to the vote because they will mostly vote for Democrats and Republicans are fools.

Nobody is as Machiavellian as an activist with a cause.

"By any means necessary" is their universal creed.

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