The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Clash of the PC narratives

Suburban moms refer to the figures and the costumes as "slut Leia," and rue the days when their little girls come to them insisting they want either.

The Guardian goes ape, and invokes all three of these conflicting left-wing narratives.

Narrative 1 - Slavery was universally an especial horror for women, pretty much in all cases involving rape and in many cases, both in the past and even in today's world, forcing women specifically into specifically sexual slavery.

And that, of course, was much worse than the horrors of slavery inflicted on men.

Just as the Holocaust was much worse than the democides of vastly larger numbers inflicted upon their own peoples by Communist governments.

Narrative 2 - The West has an evil and lying view of The East, called "Orientalism," which in large part repeats Narrative 1 in a specifically Eastern setting.

Quelle horreur.

Narrative 3 - Any cultural phenomenon representing women appearing sexually enticing to men, voluntarily or not, as we see, say, in such huge market successes as Hooters, Victoria's Secret, all of the romance novels written for straight women and girls, every entertainment establishment in Nevada, and pretty much any Hollywood production with a woman in it, is wicked.

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