The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Congress-critters love anti-majoritarian, anti-democratic rules that strengthen the power of right wing nuts

Especially wingnut Congress-critters.

Everybody knows the senate's filibuster is a device that, over the years, favors the power of the right.

The Hastert Rule is a House Republican rule that hands control of the party's agenda and the agenda of the House to the the right wing majority among House Republicans, when the GOP has a majority in the House.

The idea is to prevent the House party leadership getting things passed that the GOP radical right disapproves by relying on votes from moderate Republicans supported by Democrats.

Think debt ceilings, emergency natural disaster relief packages, and government shutdowns.

For decades, Republican Speakers have had to ignore the rule to keep government functioning in the face of the irresponsible intransigeance of their party's own wingnut majority.

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