The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hillary on MSNBC am Joy right now

She says that back during the campaign when compelling evidence of Russian interference on Trump's side was presented to the Congress, Mitch McConnell, who did not question the truth of the thing or the genuineness of the evidence, responded not with outrage but with threats.

If the Democrats made any of this public, he said, the Republicans would barrage them with accusations the whole affair was nothing but the Democrats making politically motivated accusations.

Joy asked whether that wasn't in itself collusion, a point Hillary stepped away from.

She was unwilling to flatly charge The Duce, his campaign, or the GOP with collusion, saying she was leaving that to the prosecutors and investigators, though, instead, in a recitation of evidence of it she cited media revelations of events others have pointed out were in themselves just that, outright collusion in fact, whatever the lawyers might eventually say.

She stressed that the GOP is driven by its ideologically committed donors where Joy has personally pulled no punches charging the party is controlled by the donors and the donors are controlled by their personal greed.

Joy does not say it, but she clearly would agree, these are the "Let them die" plutocrats.

That makes Hillary, who herself relied on big buck donors, less harsh on the donor class than Joy.

While on the whole right on everything she talked about in the interview, Hillary was all the same often annoying, and did not omit to play the race and (her personal lifelong grudge fight) sex cards against Trump personally and the GOP as a whole.

But that was only one topic among several, and did not get more than a reasonable share of time and attention.

She did insist Comey's late nonsense about the emails cost her the election and, while that is true, it is also true, and she clearly knows it is also true though she did not at that moment allude to the fact, that there are many other factors each of which could be said to have cost her the election.

She did not omit to point out that she actually won the suffrage of the people, the mandate of the voters, and was kept out of the White House by the archaic Electoral College for the abolition of which she has elsewhere called.

She also pointed out that the system is much more vulnerable to demagogues than anyone would have believed before Trump, and America needs to correct that so far as it can.

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