The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Grandstanding, but what crackpots they must be doing it for!

In case you, an ordinary and so not rich American, thought there might be a serious alternative to voting for the Democrats in the future, within your lifetime.

If you vote at all, that is.

And if you normally vote for that candidate of the two offered by the major parties whom you would - or should, if you have an ounce of concern for your own interests or those of others like you - actually prefer to win the election and serve the term.


Not even for dogcatcher.

The Republicans are getting more rather than less deeply committed to the conservative movement.

And there really was never any serious daylight between the movement according to the NR and WFB and the movement according to the John Birch Society.

All my life, in domestic policy I have prioritized support for the democratic, social democratic, and regulatory agenda of American progressivism.

Social liberalism embracing the racial, secularist, and sexual revolutions counts, but with reservations.

And in any case it comes in a distant second to the life-and-death, bread and butter basics of the historic movement, focused as it was on the economic fate of ordinary people and on enhancing democracy from the late 19th Century.

The same desire to protect the interests of working class and ordinary Americans motivates my support for trade protectionism and opposition to immigration.

And in foreign policy I have taken a "little America," isolationism-is-realism approach.

War is not good for little children or other living things such as Americans of military age.

Born in 1949 and politically aware since the very early 1960's, it's always been about lesser evils, for me.

And it's not going to change.

Update 02012013 1156 hrs EST.

You could go to the polls at every opportunity and always vote for the duopolitan candidate you least want to actually win and serve the term, for all the difference that would make.

Look back on your own voting past.

Did you ever vote (or not vote) in an election in which the outcome would have been different had you voted, not voted, or voted differently?

No way.

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