The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, November 27, 2017

MSNBC says it's a race to pack the judiciary

Trump has already appointed 3 times as many federal judges - so many that three or four were called unqualified by the ABA - as Obama did by this point in his presidency.

The Federalist Society, which said in Obama's day when the GOP senate would not appoint his nominees that there were far too many federal judges, now urges the GOP to create over four hundred new federal judgeships, all to be filled by this president and this congress, right now, while they can.

This is the kind of thing they will have a harder time delivering if they lose Roy Moore's seat to a Democrat.

And since it's about abortion and otherwise protecting or increasing the impact on the law of Christian sexual morality this is the sort of thing that endears the slimy Trump and the even worse Moore to Christian Evangelicals, Catholic sociocons, and the Christian Right in general.

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