The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Surprise! Big Media’s number one concern: themselves!

Left, right, and center, the journos and bloggers have been very voluble on the White House eavesdropping on that AP reporter.

And all the noise has been angry and critical.

One might almost say apoplectic.

And the lawmakers who know what’s good for them are chiming in on the journos' side, knowing it will be remembered, when the time comes, who stood up to be counted for the interests of Big Media and who did not.

To a man, the journos and their elected allies declaim the survival of liberty, democracy, and the republic absolutely require not only that no journo ever be punished for running his mouth but also that nothing be done to inhibit the flow of leaked information, no matter how dangerous to national security.

And, hey, as to that, the journos will be the judge, and they want us to trust them to put the public interest ahead of their business or individual interests when it really counts, every time.

And if we can trust them with that, well, why exactly do we need to regulate anything any business might want to do?

Is Big Media more to be trusted in that regard than, say, Big Oil?

Come to that, why have laws at all?

Or are we really supposed to be stupid enough to think that journalism is special and what’s good for Big Media really is what’s good for America?

Well, yeah, I guess we are.

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