The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The fine political art of apportioning blame.

Republican who'd like to arm fetuses claims 'Democrats worship abortion'

Like the most violent elements of the criminal underclass, especially if they are black, women who will go to any lengths to murder their babies are always the victims when their choices go badly.

Laura Clawson, feminist defender of woman’s most sacred right – that to slaughter her children at will before they emerge from the womb to look mommy in the eye – writes, employing the customary and contemptible lie that the issue is women’s health,

If we actually had taxpayer-funded abortion on demand, in other words, poor women wouldn't be forced to turn to butchers like Gosnell, who operated in the kind of conditions that women seeking abortions routinely faced pre-Roe—the kind of conditions that would once again be the most common abortion experience if Stockman's goal of criminalization became a reality.

Not that Stockman [a Republican she is attacking in this post], who voted against not only the bipartisan version of the Violence Against Women Act but voted against the restrictive Republican VAWA as well, gives one shred of a damn about women's health.

No doubt kiddie-rapists feel much the same about the dreadful conditions under which a bigoted and hateful society forces them to seek their pleasure.

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