The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The unforgiven

Scroll down a bit to the attack on Pat Buchanan for defending Obama and Hagel, and opposing war on Iran.

No kidding.

The link is to Wonkette, radical feminist loony.

Not only is he a racist anti-Semite, according to SNIPY, but he’s old.

(She missed one. He’s white. Oh. And he’s male.)

Why is it only anti-Semitism when he rejects the views of Bibi, the Likud, and the American Lobby?

But not when they do it?

The professional left, I mean.

And yet, it's the left that says Zionism is racism and Hitlerism, and that the two-state solution is Israeli apartheid.

It's the left that regularly compares Israeli policy to the Nazis.

And he's the anti-Semite?

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