The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The bed of Procrustes

Most Americans rarely pay any attention to pollitics and more than half never do.

Ask them their ‘druthers and you get a blank stare or bullshit from a loon seizing his moment of fame, playing a role he saw on TV.

Such preferences as any individual really has will almost never fall neatly, much less completely, into column A marked “liberal” or column B marked “conservative.”

Talk about how liberal or how conservative America is is mostly just self-serving eyewash from the classe politique, so obsessed with itself it sees its own likeness – mostly costume and makeup, anyway – everywhere.

But what can you expect from people who write like this?

“It’s a center-right country,” we hear all the time, which it turns out is both meaningless and untrue.

Alex Pareene at Salon.

His emphasis on "and."

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