The pseudonym "Philo Vaihinger" has been abandoned. All posts have been and are written by me, Joseph Auclair.

Monday, March 18, 2013

What’s killing the Republicans in the voting booth?

To begin with, nothing.

They’re actually doing fine.

They lost the White House to a Democrat twice in a row – the same Democrat, an exceptional Democrat – and the rest is just baloney.

But given that they don’t really have a problem, let’s play along.

What’s their problem?

Neither the conservatives who control the Republicans nor the liberals who oppose them will tell you the truth, but it's simple as pie.

It’s the class war, stupid.

Nixon entered Republican politics as a self-described liberal.

Eisenhower called the people who wanted to eliminate social security insane and stupid.

But the radicals of the John Birch Society and their polysyllabic soul-mates at the National Review have long since taken over the Party.

What's the problem with the Republican Party?

The fundamental political commitment of movement conservatism, abolishing American social democracy and rolling back government control of the economy to the pre-20th Century level, is the problem.

But neither the liberals nor the conservatives will ever say so, the latter because continued control of the Republican Party is their only shot and the former because they know they would lose again and again if they had to run against Republicans who had abandoned their class war.

Think of it this way.

If the Democrats had to run against Republicans on social issues only it would be a lot harder for Democrats to win.

Most of the country – and most actual voters – would still be with the Democrats on issues related to the sexual revolution.

Abortion, contraception, and easy divorce have solid public support.

And the public is probably unstably split on decriminalization of pornography, homosexuality, fornication, and adultery.

But women in combat?

Gay marriage?

Endless racial rancor?

Another round of illegal mass immigration enabled by the Democrats in order to force through amnesty, citizenship, and the vote for another surge in the Democratic advantage?


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